{% set price_width = 40 %} FoxyCart
{% if config.store_logo_url %} {% endif %}
{% if is_updateinfo %} {{ config.lang.email_subject_updateinfo }} {% elseif is_subscription_modification %} {{ config.lang.email_subject_subscription_updated }} {% elseif is_subscription_cancel %} {{ config.lang.email_subject_subscription_cancelled }} {% else %} {{ config.lang.checkout_receipt }} {% endif %}
{% if is_order %}

{{ config.lang.email_html_message_order|replace({ '{{ config.store_domain }}': config.store_domain })|raw }}

{% elseif is_updateinfo %}

{{ config.lang.email_message_updateinfo|replace({ '{{ config.store_domain }}': config.store_domain })|raw }}

{% elseif is_subscription_modification %}

{{ config.lang.email_message_subscription_modification }}

{% elseif is_subscription_cancel %}

{{ config.lang.email_message_subscription_cancel }}

{% endif %}
{% if has_downloadables %}

{{ config.lang.email_html_downloadable_products }}

{% endif %}

{{ config.lang.email_html_order_summary }}

{{ config.lang.checkout_merchant }}

{{ config.store_name }}

{% if is_order %} {{ config.lang.email_order_number }} {% else %} {{ config.lang.email_reference_number }} {% endif %}

{{ order_id }}

{{ config.lang.checkout_date }}

{{ checkout_date }}

{% if not is_updateinfo %}
{% if payment_type == 'plastic' %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_payment_method }}

{{ cc_number_masked }} {% if cc_type|lower in ['amex','discover', 'maestro', 'mastercard', 'solo', 'switch', 'visa'] %}{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if purchase_order %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_purchase_order }}

{{ purchase_order }}

{% endif %} {% if shipping_address.has_shippable_products and not has_multiship %}

{{ config.lang.email_shipping }}

{{ shipping_address.shipping_service_description }}

{% endif %} {% if is_order %}

{{ config.lang.cart_order_total }}

{{ total_order|money_format }}

{% endif %} {% if has_visible_custom_fields %} {#

{{ config.lang.checkout_additional_information }}

#} {% for key,custom_field in custom_fields %} {% if not custom_field.is_hidden %} {{ key|replace({'_': ' '})|title }}: {{ custom_field.value }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_billing_information }}

{% if not (config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_first_name'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_last_name'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_address1'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_address2'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_city'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_region'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_postal_code'] == 'hidden' and config.template_config.custom_checkout_field_requirements['billing_country'] == 'hidden') %}

{{ config.lang.email_billing_address }}

{% include "address.email.inc.twig" with {'address': billing_address} %} {% endif %}

{{ config.lang.email_email }}

{{ customer_email }}

{% if billing_address.phone %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_phone }}

{{ billing_address.phone }}

{% endif %}
{% if not has_multiship %} {% if shipping_address.has_shippable_products %}

{{ config.lang.receipt_shipping_information }}

{{ config.lang.email_shipping_address }}

{% include "address.email.inc.twig" with {'address': shipping_address} %} {% if shipping_address.phone %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_phone }}

{{ shipping_address.phone }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% else %} {% for multiship in multiship_data %} {% endfor %}

{{ config.lang.checkout_shipto }}{{ multiship.address_name }}

{% include "address.email.inc.twig" with {'address': multiship} %} {% if multiship.custom_fields %} {% for key,custom_field in multiship.custom_fields %} {% if not custom_field.is_hidden %} {{ key|replace({'_': ' '})|title }}: {{ custom_field.value }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not is_updateinfo %} {{ config.lang.checkout_subtotal }}: {{ multiship.total_item_price|money_format }}
{% endif %} {% if multiship.has_shippable_products %} {% if multiship.shipping_service_description %} {{ multiship.shipping_service_description }}: {{ multiship.total_shipping|money_format }}
{% else %} {{ shipping_and_handling_label }}: {{ multiship.total_shipping|money_format }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not is_updateinfo %} {% if has_taxes %} {% for tax in multiship.taxes %} {{ tax.name }} ({{ tax.rate }}%) {{ config.lang.cart_tax }}: {{ tax.amount|money_format }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ config.lang.checkout_shipment_total }}: {{ multiship.total_price|money_format }}
{% endif %} {# {{ config.lang.checkout_shipping_method }}: {{ multiship.shipping_service_description }} #}
{% endif %} {% if subscriptions|length > 0 and not is_subscription_cancel %}

{{ config.lang.email_html_manage_subscriptions }}

{{ config.lang.email_html_subscription_instructions|raw }}

    {% for subscription in subscriptions %}
  • {{ subscription.description }}
    {{ subscription.html_links|raw }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if items|length > 0 and not is_updateinfo %}

{{ config.lang.cart_items }}

{% if shipping_address.has_shippable_products %} {% endif %} {% if has_multiship %} {% else %} {% for tax in shipping_address.taxes %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for key,coupon in coupons %} {% endfor %} {% for item in items %} {% if has_multiship and item.multiship != "-1" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ config.lang.cart_item }} Price {{ config.lang.cart_qty }} {{ config.lang.cart_total }}
{{ config.lang.cart_subtotal }}: {{ total_item_price|money_format }}
{{ config.lang.cart_shipping_and_handling }} {{ total_shipping|money_format }}
{{ config.lang.cart_tax }} {{ total_tax|money_format }}
{{ tax.name }} ({{ tax.rate }}%): {{ tax.amount|money_format }}
{{ coupon.name }}: {{ key }} {{ coupon.amount|money_format }}
{{ config.lang.cart_order_total }}: {{ total_order|money_format }}
{{ config.lang.cart_shipto }}{{ item.shipto }}
{% if item.image %} {% if item.url %}{% endif %} {% if item.url %}{% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ item.name }}
{# Begin block product_options from cart.inc.twig, inlined here to allow for inline CSS #} {% set show_product_options = true %} {% set show_product_weight = true %} {% set show_product_category = true %} {% set show_product_code = true %} {% if config.template_config.cart_display_config.usage != "none" %} {% set show_product_options = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_options %} {% set show_product_weight = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_weight %} {% set show_product_category = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_category %} {% set show_product_code = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_code %} {% endif %} {% if item.options|length == 0 and item.code == '' and item.category == 'DEFAULT' and item.weight == 0 and item.sub_frequency == '' %} {% set show_product_options = false %} {% endif %} {% if show_product_options %}
    {% for option in item.options %}
  • {{ option.name }}: {{ option.value }}
  • {% endfor %} {% if item.code and show_product_code %}
  • {{ config.lang.cart_code }}: {{ item.code }}
  • {% endif %} {% if item.category != 'DEFAULT' and show_product_category %}
  • {{ config.lang.cart_category }}: {{ item.category }}
  • {% endif %} {% if item.weight != 0 and show_product_weight %}
  • {{ config.lang.cart_weight }}: {{ item.weight }} {{ weight_uom }}
  • {% endif %} {% if item.sub_frequency %}
  • {{ config.lang.cart_subscription_details }}
    • {{ config.lang.cart_frequency }}: {{ item.sub_frequency }}
    • {{ config.lang.cart_start_date }}: {{ item.sub_startdate }}
    • {{ config.lang.cart_next_date }}: {{ item.sub_nextdate }}
    • {% if item.sub_enddate != "0000-00-00" %}
    • {{ config.lang.cart_end_date }}: {{ item.sub_enddate }}
    • {% endif %}
  • {% endif %}
{% endif %} {# End block product_options #}
{% if item.quantity > 1 %}{{ item.price_each|money_format }} ×{% if (((item.price_each * 10000) % 100) != 0) %}...
{{ item.price_each }}{% endif %}{% endif %}
{{ item.quantity }} {{ item.price|money_format }}{% if (((item.price * 10000) % 100) != 0) %}...
{{ item.price }}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if has_future_products %}
{# Begin block future_products from cart.inc.twig #} {% if future_subscription_totals_by_date|length > 1 %}
{{ config.lang.cart_future_charges }}
{% else %}
{{ config.lang.cart_future_charge }}
{% endif %}
    {% set has_future_subs_details = false %} {% if has_future_shipping or future_coupons|length > 0 or has_taxes %} {% set has_future_subs_details = true %}
  • {% if has_future_shipping or future_coupons|length > 0 or has_taxes %} {% endif %} {% if has_future_shipping %} {% endif %} {% if has_taxes %} {# TODO: test and verify future taxes work as expected... My hunch is they do not. #} {% if has_multiship %} {% else %} {% for tax in shipping_address.taxes %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for key,coupon in future_coupons %} {% endfor %}
    {{ config.lang.cart_subtotal }} {{ total_future_item_price|money_format }}
    {{ config.lang.cart_shipping_and_handling }} {{ total_future_shipping|money_format }}
    {{ config.lang.cart_tax }} {{ total_tax|money_format }}
    {{ tax.name }} ({{ tax.rate }}%): {{ tax.amount|money_format }}
    {{ coupon.name }}: {{ coupon.code }} {{ coupon.amount|money_format }}
  • {% endif %}
  • {% for key, subscription_item_total in future_subscription_totals_by_date %} {% endfor %}
    {{ key|date("F jS, Y") }} {{ subscription_item_total.total|money_format }}
{# End block future_products #}
{% endif %}


12132 Ventura Blvd. | Studio City, CA 91604 | 818-506-1220


6600 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #1042 | Canoga Park, CA 91303 | 818-348-0800


14006 Riverside Dr. | Sherman Oaks, CA 91424 | 818-501-1444


24201 Valencia Blvd #3698 | Valencia, CA 91355 | 661-287-9778


580 Town Center Drive | Oxnard, CA 93036 | 805-604-1976